Course details

    1. Stephen Cheng's Presentation

    2. Lea Koiv's Presentation

    3. Jason Pereira's Presentation

    4. Recording

About this course

  • $75.00
  • 1.5 CPD hours
  • June 1, 2023


Stephen Cheng

Stephen Cheng is a senior consulting actuary and the managing director of Westcoast Actuaries Inc. He is a Fellow of both the Canadian Institute of Actuaries and the Society of Actuaries with over 30 years of pension and actuarial consulting experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree as well as a Master of Business Administration degree from UBC. Mr. Cheng is a qualified expert in the Supreme Court of BC. He has served on many task forces and committees at both the Canadian Institute of Actuaries and the Society of Actuaries.

Stephen Cheng has presented to the Department of Finance and many professional organizations on pension issues and contributed to books and journals on actuarial matters. In 2019, he served on the B.C. Law Institute Pension Division Review Project Committee that reviewed the pension division provisions of the BC Family Law Act and supporting regulations and forms.

Lea Koiv

Lea Koiv is a highly-regarded professional with authoritative experience in the retirement, tax and estate planning fields. Located in Toronto, Lea works with other accountants and with lawyers, actuaries, business valuators and other professionals, as well as with select high-net-worth clients and families, to provide expert support and advice in respect of retirement planning and tax and estate planning.

Jason Pereira

Jason is a well known and accomplished financial planner. He holds nine industry designations and has either been a finalist, or a winner of 35 industry awards, including being the first and only three-time winner of the Global Financial Planning Award. His commentary and writing has appeared in every major media outlet in the country and he currently serves as a columnist for the Globe & Mail's Globe Advisor and he serves as the founding president of the Financial Planning Association of Canada.

In 2018 Jason combined his passions for Finance and Technology and created the Fintech Impact podcast in order to create a better understanding of technological trends and how they would compete or could be leveraged by advisors in their own practices. Since then he has recorded and aired over 170 episodes where he interviews fintech founders, consultants, venture capitalists and people of interest in the space and has become one of the top podcasts in the world on the subject. In addition, he currently serves on the advisory boards of three fintech companies.