Course details

    1. Presentation

    2. Recording

About this course

  • $102.00
  • 2 CPD hours
  • February 14, 2023

Course description

This 2-hour seminar will focus on corporate tax matters and areas relevant to practitioners who deal primarily with owner-managed private corporations.

This update will provide you with:
  • An overview of applicable tax rates and measures introduced and legislated in the 2021 & 2022 Federal Budget applicable to 2022/2023 T2 corporate tax returns.
  • A discussion of recent court cases and issues of interest to those who deal with small business corporate clients. We will also look at CRA’s current areas of focus and administrative positions related to these areas.
  • Revisiting some recent legislation and related reporting requirements that may have flown under the CRA radar maps during the pandemic but may soon find their way to CRA reviews and audits
  • Insights into the new Personal Service Business project undertaken by CRA in late 2022 and what may be in store for many industries that are vulnerable to significant reassessments or change in the way business is done and services performed. An overview of this area will be provided along with a checklist and approach on determining whether a client may be subject to PSB reporting and tax issues.
  • Instructor(s)

    Ian DiNovo

    Ian has been in involved in accounting & public practice for over 20 years, where he has consulted with hundreds of businesses and prepared thousands of Canadian personal and corporate tax returns.

    Canadian Tax Academy is a unique and innovative learning enterprise dedicated to passing his knowledge and experience to students, new practitioners and others interested in private practice and accounting and bookkeeping businesses through web-based tutorials and courses.

    He delivers comprehensive and practical courses and training in the areas of Canadian personal and corporate tax.